IMAGINAIR Art/space in Brussels is a place where creatives of all kinds join forces, in order to generate more clout as individual professionals.
From this principle, we work following the model of design- and art-fairs, but with an annual programme of changing shows: selected creators and artists sign up and contribute depending on the chosen formula.
Because even good work needs time to find its audience, a show at IMAGINAIR Art/ space does not last a weekend, but instead spans 6 weeks, allowing us to use (creative) energy efficiently and giving participants the chance to build up a connection with their clients and audiences.
Because each participant is jointly responsible for sales, we reduce the distance between the creative work and its intended destination.
We cherish our clients and audiences: thanks to their faith and trust in our
work, we can continue to grow in our profession. From a direct contact without intermediaries, in-between markets or speculation, we find the freedom of daring to move off the beaten path and gain the clout needed to keep doing our work.
Each show feeds the Artspace: thus creating an interaction that guarantees positive
growth. Collaboration over competition, strong from united efforts.
From our own practice, we feel the need to look beyond borders.
In multidisciplinarity lies an inexhaustible source of inspiration for IMAGINAIR.
The research we conduct and share with an international network, we want to deepen and further share with the Brussels Art/space: what can design be, when does something become art, what can both domains learn from each other, how can we initiate a contemporary and artist-led movement working on the intersection of art & design. How can the artistic provide a more conscious form of consumption.
What does imagination mean, what is the power of IMAGINAIR?
Design, art, photography and also performing arts: we bring them together in a scenography that is simultaneously down-to-earth as it appeals to the imagination. As an interior does, we bring together functionality, atmosphere and aesthetics as well as a deeper artistic layer. Our audience is invited to become inhabitants of the space.
IMAGINAIR Artspace aims to be a contemporary BAUHAUS, where new creations can emerge from the interaction between media, a movement that also reflects on sales, commerciality and society. Contemporary, with respect for people and their surroundings.
IMAGINAIR provides an attractive overall scenography in which each creator gets optimal visibility. We take care of communication to the press and public and link up with urban strongholds such as Brussels Design September and PhotoBrussels Festival.
IMAGINAIR Art/space loves Brussels as a cosmopolitan city and surfs on the positive force emanating from a super-diverse society. The connectedness that comes from creativity is stronger than differences that divide.
Creativity as an innovative model in which the artist, maker and designer works from an understanding of the potential his work has for generating positive change.
Not waiting for approval but trendsetting and strong on its feet.
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