Hanne Lamon

Ghent, Belgium

Hanne Lamon b.1982, is a fine art photographer based in Ghent, Belgium.

For two decades Hanne Lamon has been making still photo recordings of her everyday life that contain an unruly beauty. She is in search of the undercurrent of her photographic production, which appears to be extremely fragile and contradictory. Lamon’s poetic universe evinces great sensibility and melancholy. The photographer creates images that throw light on a fragile and intimate world. Lamon focuses on human body language, subtle touches and draperies as well as mysterious landscape, scenes and abstract compositions.
She experiments with film photography, specific types of paper and manual graphic printing processes. Her choices are well thought out and attest to a longing for an artisanal and tactile beauty. 

Hanne holds a Master’s in photography (Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Gent, KASK) – In 2019 she released her first self-published intimate book struggle strangle struck, with images of personal and physical entanglements. The book is more of an object, which you can view and straighten in different ways. In January this year Lamon’s artist’s book, Until the end __ I will follow you, was published with Bruno Devos / Stockmans artbooks.

© Hanne Lamon
(2) Unnamed